Welcome to Marsden Infant and Nursery School
I am very proud to welcome you to Marsden Infant and Nursery School. It is an absolute honour to lead such a caring, engaging, happy and vibrant school. Our pupils are just delightful; they love learning and playing and they love coming to school.
Whatever the needs of your child we aim to ensure they thrive here at Marsden, where they feel safe and are encouraged to learn in an environment where learning is fun and pupils make progress in all areas of their development.
The dedicated staff team are committed to working in our school with your wonderful children to make a difference every day. We are here to make a positive start to each child’s learning journey and, with each experience we can provide, we will deepen learning by building on what they know and what they can do. We have high expectations and are continually developing ways to strengthen all that we do.
We value highly the partnership between school, home and the community as we know how effective cohesive relationships are. The children are at the heart of all the decisions we make. We value social and emotional wellbeing as well as academic achievements which, together, will enable children to flourish.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school where they will belong in a nurturing, inspiring environment where they will thrive and succeed.
Mrs Nicola Jablonski
Head Teacher
"Marsden Infant and Nursery School is warm and welcoming. Pupils enjoy learning and behave well. There is a calm sense of purpose around the school." Ofsted 2024