How to Get Involved!
Here are some ways you may want to get involved with the school.
There are a number of opportunities, at different levels and depending upon how much time you have to offer, for parents to become involved in school
Reading Friends
If you can offer just an hour a week you might like to come and listen to some children read. Our reading friends are invaluable and really help our pupil’s reading to progress. If you are interested please com into school and ask to speak to Jaclyn Collinge.
We are lucky enough at Marsden Infant and Nursery School to have a group of hardworking and dedicated parents that regularly support the school and help raise money for the school. See our INFO page if you’d like to know more or get involved.
School Trips and Special Events
We’re always in need of a spare pair of hands please do let us know if you’d like to join us on a school trip or indeed when we are running an event in the school. We’ll always try to find you a job!
Whole School Learning Days
Every term we come together as a school and explore different themes. These are exciting and eventful days. If you have a particular skill set that you think could enhance our days, for example, skills in music, art or drama please do let us know. We’d be keen to incorporate your skills into our theme days. Newsletters will keep you informed of the theme days we have planned in the coming terms.
Parent Governor
From time to time we have vacancies on the Governing Body for Parent Governors. If you wish to play a role in the management of the school then, should a vacancy arise you will need to be nominated and possibly stand for election before becoming a member of the Governing Body and being involved in the decision making at Marsden Infant and Nursery School.