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Governance at Marsden Infant and Nursery School

Name Governor Category Appointed By Term of Office   Committee Membership Voting Rights Key Role
Helen Allen Co Opted Governing Body 11.11.2023 10.11.2027

Finance & Resources

Strategy & Performance


Chair of Governors

Wellbeing Governor

Clare Kelly LA Parents & Carers 26.02.2022 25.02.2026

Strategy & Performance

Finance & Resources


Chair of Strategy & Performance

Literacy Governor

Pupil Premium Governor

Vicky Smith Staff  School Staff 23.09.2022 22.09.2026

Strategy & Performance


Lorna Butters Co Opted Governing Body 21.11.2023 20.11.2027


Strategy & Performance


Safeguarding Governor

Early Years Governor

James Brook Co Opted Governing Body 25.07.2022 24.07.2026

Strategy & Performance


Yes SEND Governor
Laura Wagstaff Co Opted Governing Body




Strategy & Performance

Yes Website Compliance Governor
Vicky Sewell Associate (Acting Head) Observer 08.10.2013   Strategy & Performance No  
Sarah Whitehouse



Observer 09.03.2011   Community No  
Philip Sanderson Co Opted Governing Body 21.03.2024 20.03.2028

Strategy & Performance


Yes Safeguarding, Child Protection & Looked After Children Governor
Natalie Parish Parent Governor Parents & Carers 14.11.2022 13.11.2026

Finance & Resources

Strategy & Performance

Caroline Martin


(School Business Manager)

Observer 01.09.2023   Finance & Resources No  

Governor Attendance Register for 2023-24 - click here

Contacting Governors    If you wish to contact any of our Governors, please email the school using the email address office.marsdeninf@kirkleeseducation.uk.

Governors Register of Business Interests - Click to view our Register of Business Interests  23-24 

Employees Salaries  

Staff within school are paid according to the Teacher's Pay Spine. This is a nationally agreed payment spine which pays staff according to their skills and abilities and in line with meeting performance management targets. No staff were penalised for not meeting targets as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic and many staff made the choice to carry some of their performance management targets over into next year. No school employees have a gross annual salary exceeding £100,000. 

For information on our school's financial benchmarking please follow the link below. This will take you to a site away from our school pages.

Click here to view our school's 'Financial Benchmarking'.

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