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Extra-curricular Activities

Throughout the year we offer a wide variety of extra curricular activities after-school.  At the start of the year activities are on offer for Year 1 and 2 children. In January, when Reception children are confident with school routines opportunities will be made available for them. Places for each of the activities is limited.

Examples of the clubs that are on offer throughout the year are:

  • Dance
  • Arty Explorers
  • Archery
  • Football
  • Mini Olympians
  • Dodgeball
  • Hockey

We invite parents to book places for their child at end of each half term.  Places are limited so we encourage parents/carers to apply for places promptly.  Payment for each club varies and is required at the time of booking. 

Children eligible for Free School Meals can access 1 after school club per half term free of charge; paid for from their Pupil Premium funding.

In addition to our after school extra-curricular clubsm we also run a lunchtime Singing Club.

Music Lessons

Whilst we deliver Music as part of our curriculum, formal lessons, in which children learn to play an instrument are offered by Musica Kirklees. To view their website, click here.


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